Sunday, October 17, 2004

Will Bush Put the Hammer Down on the "Prophetic Speedometer?"

NOB HILL--I imagine some of you thought I was exaggerating in my portrayal of GW Bush and the End of the World. I said that GWB was using America as a tool to bring about the second coming of Jesus in a post called "Send GW Bush Straight to Hell!" There is an article in this morning's Santa Fe New Mexican that talks about Bush's belief in the closeness of the end times and his Khristian cohorts' desire to bring about the end of the world, along with the Rapture and the 2nd Coming. There is an upcoming meeting on the subject in Santa Fe on Oct. 24th sponsored by the Santa Fe Jewish and Christian Dialogue.

Of particular interest is the Rapture Index, a so-called "Prophetic Speedometer," which measures current events in such a way that it is possible to fortell how close we are to the End Of Time. We are currently in a "fasten your seatbelts" warning. Apparently GWB pays a lot of attention to these people.

I believe that a discussion of religion will be the final battleground of this presidential campaign. Bush's certainty and inability to change are an article of faith. This is what Kerry was trying to get at in the (2nd?) debate when he said that you can be certain and wrong at the same time.

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