Thursday, November 18, 2004

VB Price: A Lion Amongst the Boulevardiers

NOB HILL--Just as soon as I say VB Price doesn't hang out in Nob Hill anymore, he makes a fool out of me and shows up! But he can't be both an Icon and a Hero, so he will have to stay a Hero. Actually, I emailed him in care of the editor of the Tribune and he sent me a nice reply. He has also started his own website, which has some of his poems, etc.

I wrote him about how the electon had affected him. Here is part of what he had to say:
For some reason I can't explain, the election defeat revved me up in
a way that I haven't been in years. I was worried that I'd be completely
deflated by a loss, and just run out of gas. I don't understand why that
hasn't happened, but it hasn't. I just got really pissed, and figured
now we have nothing to lose. But really as curious, I guess, as I am
pissed. I'm fascinated by how this all happened, by dirty tricksters, by
the political judo they work on the Dems. So lots and lots to learn and
that's always a wonderful motivation.

"We have nothing to lose." That pretty much sums it up. And it does give off a lot of energy!

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