Wednesday, October 20, 2004

He's In the Book.

NOB HILL--It was one of those mornings when everything seemed perfect in the Flying Star. The coffee was drinkable; the usually loud music was turned off; we had already found two copies of the Journal to share. The news of the day was agreeably bad...just bad enough for a decent discussion, not so bad as to be depressing. And almost the whole gang was there...except for...wait a he comes: The Artist Ken Saville!

Ken likes to think of himself as a hardass. I admit he does rely heavily on the Ward Bond character in The Searchers for social clues ("I'm the hard case you're gonna have to deal with!"). The Ward Bond character, however, showed a little more variety in his wardrobe than Ken does. Ken has a closet full of red camping shirts. And you know, they never seem to wear out...completely. But I give Ken credit. He is an artist (currently showing at the Mariposa Gallery) and has made a living from art for most of his life. A couple of years ago, Ken added Substitute Teaching to his list of now you know he is REALLY rolling in dough.

Thus it came as no surprise to see him produce a letter stating that he had been nominated to "Who's Who in the National Register of Business Executives and Professionals." Congratulations my friend, you deserve it.

Speaking of millionaires, can you believe Alex Rodriguez's behavior in knocking the ball loose in the game Tuesday night? The announcers tried to excuse it by saying that he had nothing to lose...he was out anyway. And we all know the millionaires, even those in baseball, don't think they have to play by the rules. He just got caught. I sure hope it doesn't jeopardize his standing in Who's Who in the National Register of Business Executives and Professionals. At any rate, here is a man for whom the Yankees paid $55,000,000 and his solution to dealing with his lack of performance is to take a swipe at the pitcher's hand. God Bless our Millionaires...where would we be without them!

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