Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Overripe Bananas: Nature's Breast Lift

NOB HILL--MaryAnn and I had bought some little bananas and they were pretty expensive...much too expensive to compost just because they were turning black. "Google 'em," said MaryAnn. This is what I found. And NO, I am not making this up.
Post by Suzanne S. (200) | (01/23/2005)
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It sounds ludicrous, but it works. Take two overripe bananas and mash them slightly. Take an old bra and put it on. Place the mashed bananas inside your bra and leave it on for about 30 minutes. The effects can last up to 3 days. Because this is messy I recommend you only use before special events or at night when you're not likely to have company. Good luck. Take care of yourselves and those you love. And may your breasts be as perky as they were in High School.


donna epler said...

That's hysterical. Thanks for posting this.

Anonymous said...

That's it, I've got to try this.

Anonymous said...

Ditto, Benny, ditto...excepting the whole lack of breasts. hmmm...

See, this is what we need pika for

Generic Viagra said...

haven't had dinner yet. I am so hungry after looking at these bananas. OMG... I feel like a zombie that do as told. I guess that means bananas. are in my future.

Unknown said...

I'm just wondering how much or about how much a breast lifts and augmentation would cost all together and if anyone knows all of the payment options and any other details... Thanks...