Wednesday, April 06, 2005

I Bet You Have Heard This...

NOB HILL--He started at the booth closest to the door.
"Excuse me, my car..." The seated customer shook his head from side to side. The stranger went to the next booth.
"Excuse me, my wife..." Another gesture to leave them alone. Here he came to my table. I was sitting with Hal Cupp. "Can I take your picture?" I asked.
"Why...are you a cop?" No, I wasn't a cop. Let's just say I knew his story and all its variations. His car was broken down. It was in
  1. Tijeras Canyon
  2. Moriarty
  3. Edgewood
He had to leave his
  1. pregnant wife
  2. kids (no wife)
  3. sick family
out there east of town and was trying to get some money to bring back a
  1. water pump
  2. prescription
  3. bag of food
Meanwhile, the manager came over. A professional storyteller is never a hero in the business community. He left for a better audience.

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