Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Don't Be Afraid To Talk About Money

NOB HILL--Have you ever heard of an investment club? Well, Yours Truly, Johnny_Mango has belonged to one for over ten years. It isn't making me rich, but it does keep me thinking about the future. We better take care of ourselves as best we can. Being savvy about money is part of that.

The club I belong to meets once a month at the 66 Diner. We eat, we talk, we discuss various companies. Sometimes we buy or sell. It doesn't cost a lot of money. Our club dues are $30/month. Of course when you quit the club you get all your money back plus whatever return your share of the stocks have earned. But basically it is about education. It is about learning how to buy and sell stocks intelligently. It is about learning how to think and talk about money, the market, and the future.

Most investment clubs are affiliated with the N.A.I.C. If you are interested, the New Mexico chapter has a list of contact people on their website. Think about it. Think about whether you would enjoy it. I bet most of you would.

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