Friday, October 21, 2005

Can the Riders on the Bus Go Blog, Blog, Blog?

NOB HILL--I saw the mayor do it on TV. The RapidRide buses now have wi-fi, so this afternoon I got on board and tried it out. Yes, you can surf on the bus...and no, it is not perfect. Some sites are a little slow, and some don't work at all. Most, however, work fine.

I tried moving around in the bus to see if that helped. I don't know...hard to say.

I had trouble getting my email. Posting to "Blogger" didn't work. Everything on the Duke City Fix, including posting, worked just fine. So I am giving mixed reviews of the system at this point.

One more thing, if you are subject to motion sickness...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Environmentally friendly and internet access! Wow, what more incentive could people need to start using public transportation. I write a blog for active adults in New Mexico . These residents would benefit greatly from this service.