Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Inspector Gadget

NOB HILL--I have been asked to follow Inspector Gadget: that is, to see where he goes, find out how he wears two or three sets of absurd-looking outfits every day, see where he lives. Oh everybody knows he stacks the chairs on the Starbucks patio every evening, but who dresses him up in those outfits? And what about that attitude as he peers over those dark glasses perched far down on his nose? MaryAnn named him. It was because of the trenchcoat and porkpie hat. We don't think he's homeless. He must live where somebody watches over him. He does his part on Central Ave: constantly in motion, he straightens up whatever he sees.

Just seeing him brings Good Luck into your life. And having him return your greeting (which he will do if you are persistent enough) brings instant happiness. Carry on, Inspector.

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